Saturday 18 April 2015

Closer to reality

Everything has an existence. The existence of all of it has a meaning. And all of it exists due to the presence of co-existing components.

The only divine things in the world as air, water and land. Their co-existence can define the meaning of everything. Nature doesn't need laws to stay at peace. The whole existence of nature in itself can define the existence of peace. Peace is selflessness.

The components of nature exist in harmony. The land, the water, the air and fire, being so different, yet find an existence being just the same. They don't fight for power. They don't display hate. They exist, together, related, yet independent. They were created different but meant to co-exist. And they need no one to help them understand this. It's their mere presence which teaches them to co-exist. That's the universal truth of existence.

Mankind is a component of nature too. Are we the same? Doesn't that fundamental principle apply to us? What makes us any different? Why can't we co-exist in harmony? Yes, we can. But then the creator gave man a brain.