Thursday 13 February 2014

I Dream

A world with no boundaries, a world with no region,
A world ahead with total freedom,
A life of a human, with wings of a bird,
A soul of wind, with hopes of love.

To give to all and share with all,
To have no fear of gain or loss,
To live so happy and die with peace,
Be life so simple, to be decided with a toss.

Love prevail and there be no hate,
If only we could call ourselves as one,
And God be generous to let each possess,
A heart so open, to accept all and deject none.


Deep in my heart I have this desire,
To be with you and hold you, for its you I admire.
And all I feel for you I wanna express,
Just don't know how to, in this one stretch.

You bring me happiness, you bring me life,
With you in it, yes, I love my life.
You stay, you love, you love, you care,
You do all that like does no other.

Having you with me, I feel complete,
You right beside me, is how I want it to be.
Time and on our love shall increase,
You have me, I have you, I promise; we shall succeed.